Sitemap - 2023 - Socrates and the Stoics

The laws of nature

Between two who are equally honorable and intelligent, you would choose the one with long, curly hair

On the role of intelligence in optionality

Is there any real difference between robustness and antifragility to a completely wise person?

Robustness, adaption and Antifragility

17. Be Antifragile by Expanding Awareness

Seneca and Epictetus on wind

Is Epictetus really a Stoic?

Stoicism, existentialism, individualism - and RFK Jr

Human beings are born for the sake of human beings

You will not understand what you should do and what you should avoid until you have learned what you owe to your own nature

Friends, family and community are not indifferents - Part two

Reason - the imitation of nature

Friends, family and community are not indifferents - Part one

Is a life with preffered indifferents more in accordance with nature than a life without them?

Is happiness entirely in the power of the wise person, or can it be diminished or destroyed by external misfortune?

Is the Stoic universe conscious?

We follow where reason, not truth, has taken us - part two

Give up those things that everyone always chases after

Reading ancient philosophy with ChatGPT

We follow where reason, not truth, has taken us

There is nature and there is nature

Can indifferents be life goals?

Stoicism and pleasure

Culture and nature - a false dichotomy?

A good universe without intentions

Is there reason in nature? If not, what does nature has to do with reason?

A more faithful heir is born than written

Whatever terrifies the general public is less frightful than it is rumored to be

Mighty rivers may easily be leaped at their source

God-sent madness

Loving humans, God and the universe

Conversations with ChatGPT

Topic: Seneca

Topic: Publilius Syrus

Topic: Plato

Justice as virtue in relation to another

On the relationship between ethics and politics in Socratic ethics

When the bad imitate the good, there is no knowing what mischief is intended

Some thoughts on "modelling" ourselves and "living according to nature" - part two

Some thoughts on "modelling" ourselves and "living according to nature" - part one

The function of human beings - part two

The function of human beings - part one

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Spending time with the divine and ordered - part four

Spending our time with the divine and ordered - part three

Spending our time with the divine and ordered - part two

Spending our time with the divine and ordered - part one

Socrates and the Stoics on Sex - Part Two

Human reason grows rich by self-conquest

Do not despise the lowest steps in the ascent to greatness

Socrates and the Stoics on Sex - Part One

Plato's Ideas on Pleasure: Protarchus

Be at war with men's vices, at peace with themselves

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It is an embarrassment to the possessor to have more than he needs

What sort of life will the wise man have if he is left without friends

Confession of our faults is the next thing to innocence

He is much to be dreaded who stands in dread of poverty

An end to our gettings is the only end to our losses

The wise man avoids evil by anticipating it

He who stops in mid career is not quite lost

Is life most pleasant when passed in ignorance?

Thinking too much and too little of our own efforts

Reflect on every thing you hear, but believe only on proof

An hour sometimes restore us the sum of many years losses

The gladiator lays his plans after he enters the arena

Shame, guilt and artificial intelligence