Thank goodness that some of Musonius' words survived, through Epictetus and others. Indeed, we are social animals and we don't flourish alone.

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"Nothing will ever please me, no matter how excellent or beneficial, if I must retain the knowledge of it to myself. And if wisdom were given me under the express condition that it must be kept hidden and not uttered, I should refuse it. No good thing is pleasant to possess, without friends to share it."

- Seneca, Letter 6.4.

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"suppose that a wise man should be vouchsaved such a life that, with an abundance of everything pouring in upon him, he might in perfect peace study and ponder over everything that is worth knowing, still, if the solitude were so complete that he could never see a human being, he would die."

- Cicero, De Officiis, 1.153

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