
‘Then the person who knows about music will be in love with those of his fellow-humans who are most like that; if someone were out of tune, he wouldn’t be in love with him.’

- Plato, Republic 402d

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"SOCRATES: Now if there was someone who loved Alcibiades’ body, he wouldn’t be loving Alcibiades, only something that belonged to Alcibiades.

ALCIBIADES: That’s right.

SOCRATES: But someone who loved you would love your soul.

ALCIBIADES: By our argument, I think he’d have to.

SOCRATES: Wouldn’t someone who loves your body go off and leave you when your beauty is no longer in full bloom?

ALCIBIADES: Obviously.

SOCRATES: But someone who loves your soul will not leave you, as long as you’re making progress.

ALCIBIADES: That’s probably right.

SOCRATES: Well, I’m the one who won’t leave you—I’m the one who will stay with you, now that your body has lost its bloom and everyone else has gone away.

ALCIBIADES: I’m glad you are, Socrates, and I hope you never leave me.

SOCRATES: Then you must try to be as attractive as possible."

- Socrates in Plato's "Alcibiades", 131c-131d

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